
Autogenerate documentation from pydantic objects in Sphinx


Sphinx-pydantic generates schema documentation from pydantic models. For example,

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

class Thing(BaseModel):
    An example of a pydantic object from which we
    can autogenerate schema documentation.
    name: str = Field(
        description='Name of this thing',


An example of a pydantic object from which we can autogenerate schema documentation.
type object
  • name
Name of this thing
type string

How does it work?

Sphinx-pydantic is an Sphinx extension that provides a new directive for adding a pydantic objects to your page and leverages sphinx-jsonschema to generate schema tables.

Add sphinx-pydantic to the extensions in your Sphinx conf.py file.

# conf.py

extensions = [

and you can use the pydantic directive in your .rst docs.

some text ...

.. pydantic:: thing.Thing

some more text ...

thing.Thing is a class (in the thing module) that subclasses pydantic.BaseModel. Sphinx-pydantic imports this class and generates schema using pydantic’s sweet API. By default sphinx is calling the schema_json function from pydantic BaseModel. You can customize the displayed schema by implementing a schema_rst function inside your class, which then will be called instead without any arguments.


Install sphinx-pydantic with pip:

pip install sphinx-pydantic